Damn Heroes

Be Home by 8:30

Most people reading this probably don’t know what a bustle is. In fact, I barely know what a bustle is. The word just makes me laugh and feel olde tyme. And play Stairway to Heaven (wait for it, the lyric is in there). I was going to include a picture for you, dear reader,  but I figure you can go to Wikipedia too if you really care. Plus, Alex didn’t want to model his. My advice is to enjoy the Zeppelin and drink heavily to get that image out of your head (your welcome).


The worse part, is I had had to listen to Mark singing this song (badly) all morning. Oh the words I would say if we weren’t trying to keep this strip kid friendly…er…work safe? Who am I kidding, I feel dirty every time I have to draw one of these things.

– Alex (save me)

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