Damn Heroes

Deck the Halls

As the year comes to a close, we just want to take a moment and thank everyone who’s put up with us for the past year. Thank you to all the fans who’ve come by our table at the various cons. Thank you to those who’ve supported us and helped us grow. And a special thank you to those we’ve stepped on to get this far. We really couldn’t have done it without your sacrifice. Your names would have been remembered, but they weren’t, so…whatever.

Oh, and Happy or Merry <insert holiday here>, whichever you prefer.

We’ll be reposting a classic Damn Heroes strip next week, but we’ll be back next year with the continuation of our current story arc!

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a late stocking stuffer, check out our store!

-Alex “Full of Holiday Cheer (Rum)”


More likely full of something else. Enough to make his eyes brown.

-Mark “Bah Humbug”



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