Damn Heroes

Found Him!

I often wonder at some of the places people check in. I’m reasonably confident that I didn’t need to know you are doing your laundry or at your niece’s recital. Of course, I’m guilty of doing it on Untappd, but hey, good beer is important (just agree with me on this one. Extra points if you can find Alex and I on the app).

If you’ve ever been to a comic book convention, chances are you’ll see at least one person cosplaying as Waldo. Quick tip – they love it when you point and scream “I FOUND HIM!” at them repeatedly as loud as you can. So yeah, go ahead, try it.*

Also, Alex’s ‘stache is now two full weeks old. Go wish it a happy birthday (just don’t pet it, that thing bites!) and drop a couple shekels into the fund to stop cancer. Thanks!



No rides for you Frankel!



It scares and amuses me that you have your best Zoolander face up on your page.



*Damn Heroes is not responsible for any beatings or nasty words you may receive from the result of this action. Side effects may also include loss of index finger, inability to share intimate feels with a significant other, and general gassiness.


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