Damn Heroes

That Not So Fresh Feeling

We’ve been planning this for awhile. Alex and I had kicked around a number of things we could do with Dr. Entropy, but it always comes back to who is under the mask. I won’t ruin it for you here (hey, the journey is half the fun, right?), but I will give you a short list of who he is not: Justin Beiber, Hong Kong Fuey, Murdock, George Washington Carver, Speaker of the House John Boehner, Michelle Obama, and the redhead from the Wendy’s commercials. He may be Darth Vader’s undisclosed love child from his union of man and machine, but the reports are still spotty. Anyway, enjoy!



Join us as we delve into the mystery that is Doctor Entropy. Just who is he under that purple robe and cast iron (or maybe aluminum?) mask? Indeed the answer will both shock and amaze, and the Damn Universe will never be the same again…until it gets rebooted or retconned.



Shhh!!! How many times have I told you not to give the secrets away?!?! Now how will I (okay, okay “we”) make money when I give Sebastian a “makeover” and call him Sabrina for a comic strip call Gosh Darn Good Guys?


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