Damn Heroes

Game Over, Man! Game Over!

I was watching a show where a performer regularly put his head between the jaws of a “trained” alligator. Naturally, he found out that there are only so many times you can put your head inside a gator’s mouth and come out unscathed. Apparently after fracturing every bone in his head and nearly dying, he opted to come back and perform again the next day. With the same trick. With the same alligator. Something tells me Sebastian won’t be volunteering for circus duty again any time soon.

A brief aside – if you’ve been digging Damn Heroes and want to show your support we’ve got tee shirts, kid’s fun books and a bunch of other cool stuff in our store. We’d certainly appreciate it if you took a look. Thanks, hope you enjoyed today’s strip!


To add to Mark’s shameless plea for cash, we’re also looking into using Patreon (Alex is already on Patreon) to help generate some extra funding for Wayward Raven and Damn Heroes. Any donations or contributions will only be used for producing more books, merchandise and artwork. We will not use any donated funds for booze, tobacco or liaisons of questionable morality. Seriously, would we lie?

-Alex “Help Me Quit My Day Job” Sapountzis

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