Damn Heroes

Not Again

The idea for this strip came up as filler a happy accident because of the last strip, where Cluck gets turned into a hulked out human. Originally, we had planned for him to turn into Colonel Sanders in the last panel. Well, I screwed up was hit by inspiration and we ended the strip as we did. But we really wanted to use that idea, and this strip was born. The idea being Cluck should  turn into varying forms, each getting more and more absurd, while continually repeating the same line.

Write in the comments if you can figure out where the reference in the last two panels came from!



Damn Wikipedia! I now know waaaaaaaay too much about Colonel Sanders. I couldn’t resist looking him up and suddenly found myself reading his whole life story. Instead of sharing it with you, I’ll simply encourage you to look it up yourself if you want to get sucked into a twenty or thirty minutes of surfing through things you didn’t know you wanted to know.

On a seperate note, Wolverine: In the Flesh comes out today. Wayward Raven cofounder Joshua L.A. Jones and I were fortunate enough to assist in writing it, so please go check it out and let us know what you think. Here’s a link to it at comiXology.

For Alex’s challenge, I will offer one hint: monsters are such interesting people! One of my favorite episodes! Anyway, enjoy today’s strip!


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