Damn Heroes

A Picture Says a Thousand Things You Didn’t Want to Tell Anyone

Ok, seriously, who the hell is Dr. Entropy? No really, someone help me out – I don’t know! The last thing I remember is waking up in some machine that was called a Cognitive Function Disruptor with a note in my own hand writing pinned to my chest that read “This is for your own good.” I have no idea where this strip is going and Alex won’t turn my Dropbox rights back on. All I know is that I better have written a damn good ending, not some Pollyanna hogwash where all the characters learn from the situation and Dr. Entropy goes back to his job as the forefront expert on nuclear thermodynamics for NASA. I’m am in need of your expertise, all theories are very welcome. Please send them to me post-haste. As always, I hope you enjoy this strip as much as I (allegedly) enjoyed writing it.



I realize I don’t draw enough people with hearts on their eyes. Mark, you need to incorporate this more into our scripts. In fact, get me DC Comics on the phone, I have a great idea for a new Batman series!



There is a reason I don’t write scripts that describe characters with a “heart on” you know…


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