Damn Heroes

Side effects include

We probably enjoy picking on the heroes most of all (even more than Sebastian). That doesn’t make us bad guys, right? I mean sure, we did do this to the Captain. And this. And even this. Okay, we’re probably bad guys. Whatever, good is dumb. Enjoy this week’s damn strip.

-Mark the Monstrous


Speaking of Good being dumb, do you self identify as a hero? What about a villain? Well, now you can let the world know, without committing acts of unspeakable villainy (or heroism, if that’s your bag). Go to our Wayward Raven shop and buy our new Hero and Villain on Board Stickers! It’s the righteous (or villainous) thing to do. Whatever, just give us money.

-Alex “The Fiendish French Fry Frier”

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