Sad Sebastian makes me laugh (yes, we have a slight sadistic streak here at DH in case you haven’t noticed. Not like it is in the title or anything), I particularly dig the way he came out in the last panel. The dejected pose, clinging to the cover for the opposite generator like it is a security blanket is perfect.

Just don’t tell Alex I said I approved, it might go to his head. The last time he heard praise he danced around the office in a loincloth and sacrificed chipmunks to Baal. Not a pretty sight (IMHO the chipmunks got off easy). Anyway, enjoy!



I was originally considering having the Opposite Generator look more like the Arch from Star Trek, but the Stargate just popped into my head as I was sketching this one out.

I even watched a video of the activation sequence to try and get the sound effect right.

Yeah, I suffer for my craft!


Praise Baal