We’re problem solvers here at Damn Heroes. We make most of the problems, but dammit if we don’t solve them too! -Mark “Step two is washing it out” “Oh boy, here I go killing again”-Alex “Not Krombopulos Michael”
We’re problem solvers here at Damn Heroes. We make most of the problems, but dammit if we don’t solve them too! -Mark “Step two is washing it out” “Oh boy, here I go killing again”-Alex “Not Krombopulos Michael”
Dead toons tell no tales-Alex “Judge Doom School of Illustration” Creating things only to damn and kill them? I feel like I’ve heard this story somewhere… -Mark “Feeling biblical”
And in a horrible fashion, I might add. Like finding two inches of water in the desert to drown in. -Mark “Wonders how many inches of water are in the average cactus”
I wonder if the Venn diagram of Animaniacs fans and Blacksmiths is a perfect circle?-Alex “Anvilanian Ambassador”