They say chicken soup is good for the soul. Do dingoes have souls? -Mark “Has two soles, both on his feet” I’m more of a Popeye’s guy.-Alex “It’s the sh!t”
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He should have tried tossing vegemite or a didgeridoo. Maybe they would have chased that instead. -Mark “Still thinks dingos are just Australian dogs” “My whole understanding of Australia has come from Paul Hogan, Chris Hemsworth and the Tasmania cartoon.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My knowledge of Australia is sadly limited to Fosters Beer, Crocodile Dundee and a reference to a 90’s sitcom that’s in poor taste.-Alex “Come at me, Mate!” Regarding Australia and to badly paraphrase The Lego Movie, “everything is poison!” -Mark[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yes, one shotgun wedding is not enough. They usually require at least two before it takes. -Mark “Wedding was noticeably absent of shotguns, might have had a plethora of knives though” I don’t know about you, but I tend to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…